Set DAO Metadata

A DAO admin can manage the DAOs organisational details including social links and wallet addresses.

Only Senior Admins can manage a DAO's profile.

Updatable metadata


The organisation section is where a DAO admin can manage the DAO name, DAO description and DAO social links.

Configured data will be publicly visible to all users on the DAO's pool pages.


DAOs can only use one treasury address to send rewards to pools.

Only tokens sent from a DAOs configured treasury address will be recognized as valid rewards by the pool contract.

Team roles

DAO Admins

This role gets complete access over the DAO profile page, can move funds from pool to treasury address at any point in the lifecycle of the pool, and can add/remove admin and meeple.

DAO Meeple

This role can create new pools and manage existing pools.

Set and update DAO metadata

This function sets any DAO metadata description field. This is usually in the form of text.

Permissions: DAO Admin

Dependencies: DAO needs to be created (for daoId field)

**NOTE**: This data needs to exist for the DAO to be present on the UI, as the slug and name are the fields to populate the selector on the pools page. The other data is visible under "about DAO" on the pool pages



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