Create A DAO

Description: This creates a staking DAO. Each DAO is assigned a numeric daoId, starting from 1 and incrementing monotonically.

Dependencies: none

Permissions: atLeastDaoCreatorRole (Allowlisted addresses receive this permission)


erc20CapableTreasury: address of the dao’s treasury (example: 0x56e24bf78cEdEb93713F9f7f4c15d7e9AFeEe00f – this is the SUPER_USER address)

Returns: daoId


CreateDao event - the first parameter here is the daoId required for “3. Create a Staking Pool”. This value will be in hexadecimal. Be sure to convert to decimal for input in other places.

Fetch daoId: There are 2 ways to get the daoId:

  1. Or go to the subgraph query and the last dao id will be the one you created.

Etherscan Link:

Code Reference:

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