Sweep Tokens

Update the token sweep beneficiary address for Staking Pool Mediator Contract

Description: updates TOKEN_SWEEP_BENEFICIARY for the Staking Pool Mediator

Permissions: onlySuperUserRole


newBeneficiary: new destination address (ensure this address can transfer ERC20 tokens)

Etherscan Link: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x3d8cBBc284160D6d692d02B76Dae4bAd21902d73#writeContract#F28

Sweep tokens accidentally sent to the Staking Pool Mediator Contract

Description: transfers a specified amount to the specified erc20 token to the predefined token sweep beneficiary

Permissions: onlySuperUserRole


tokens: address of the erc20 to sweep

amount: number of tokens to sweep

Etherscan Link: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x3d8cBBc284160D6d692d02B76Dae4bAd21902d73#writeContract#F26

Last updated