
User and Permissions

Connect Wallet

Global Admins and Project Admins can log in and access their permissions by clicking the "Connect Wallet" button and signing a message.

For Administrators

Attach Category

  • Assign a category and sub-category (optional) to a transaction - a dashboard view is generated based on the way transactions are categorised.

Attach Authorization Note

  • Allows viewers to identify the organization approval (e.g. DAO proposal) which authorized the transaction

Attach Blockchain TxID

  • Multiple TxIDs can be attached to the same record

Scan for Missing Blockchain TxID

  • To ensure that all Sent and Received transactions are represented on a Treasury Dashboard, Operators can view all transactions associated with treasury wallets that have not been added to a Treasury Dashboard.

Create Virtual Transactions

  • Some transactions do not have a Blockchain TxID as the Operators may have taken shortcuts in transaction processing, such as: Sending funds from A-->C instead of A-->B-->C; or Settlement transactions A-->C instead of A-->C (partial) and C-->A (partial).

  • Virtual transactions enable the Dashboard to analyze the flow of transactions comprehensively.

Manage Whitelist

  • If a wallet(s) send or receive a transaction to/from a wallet that is not on the whitelist the UI will show a visual flag.

Attach Note

  • Operators can add more detail to a transaction by adding a Note. The Note is a free text field that should help Viewers understand more about the transaction's context.

Import and Export CSV

  • For batch modifications

  • Existing record IDs will be an Update, blank record IDs will be an Insert

For Viewers

Export to CSV

  • Transactions can be exported to CSV, this export includes all Operator added metadata (Categories, Notes, Blockchain TxID)

  • This allows Viewers to reconstruct the dashboard using Excel Pivot Tables,

Last updated