Create a Staking Pool

1. Set the Staking Pool Parameters

Staking Token Address

The address of the ERC-20 token that the reward pool will accept as deposit.

Maximum Pool Size

The maximum number of tokens that may be locked into the reward pool.

Minimum Pool Size

The minimum number of tokens that need to be locked into the pool before Lockup Start for the pool to lock.

Minimum Stake Required

The minimum amount of tokens that must be locked by a user for the pool to accept the deposit.

Minimum must be met each time tokens are deposited.

2. Set the Pool Reward Parameters

Fixed Pool

A fixed reward pool will distribute reward tokens to lockers at a fixed ratio based on the number of tokens locked.

Reward ratio

The reward ratio sets the exact amount of reward tokens that will be allocated lockers based on the number of they lock.

Eg. If the ratio is 1 USDC : BIT, a user that locks 100 BIT will be able to claim 100 USDC at the end of the locking period.

Reward Token Address

The address of the token that will be distributed as a reward.

Floating Pool

A floating reward pool will distribute the total number of reward tokens between lockers based on a lockers percentage of the total tokens locked.

Eg. If the total reward size is 100 USDC and a token locker contributed 10 BIT representing 10% of the total tokens locked, the locker will receive 10 USDC in rewards.

Reward size

The total number of tokens that will locked in the contract and distributed to token lockers.

Reward Token Address

The address of the token that will be distributed as a reward.

None Pool

A none pool will not distribute any rewards to token lockers.

3. Set the Pool Reward Schedule

Lockup Start

The date when the pool will lock distribute token rewards.

Make sure to leave enough time for the minimum pool size to be reached.

If the minimum pool size is not met by Lockup Start the pool will not lock and all deposited tokens will be available for withdraw by their respective depositors.

Lockup End

The date when the deposited and reward tokens will be redeemable by token lockers.

Advanced Pool Settings

Manual Mode

Allows Senior Admins to override the pre-established reward release date and set new date for it.

Last updated