Emergency Mode

The staking pools can be put into “Emergency mode” which does the following:

  • Users can remove their stake tokens at any time

  • The Reward tokens can be swept to the DAO’s treasury address


Once the staking pool is put into emergency mode it cannot be taken out of emergency mode i.e. it is a one-way mode change.

Permissions: DAO Admin, DAO Meeple


daoId: dao identifier

stakingPool: address of the staking pool

Etherscan Link: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x3d8cBBc284160D6d692d02B76Dae4bAd21902d73#writeContract#F19

Emergency Mode Rewards Sweep

Description: sweeps the full balances of the Reward tokens to the DAO’s treasury address

Permissions: atLeastDaoMeepleRole

Params: none

Etherscan Link: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x3d8cBBc284160D6d692d02B76Dae4bAd21902d73#writeContract#F18

Last updated