Token Sweeps

Contracts are deployed with a TOKEN_SWEEP_BENEFICIARY environmental variable that needs to be configured prior to deployment. This is the destination address for erroneously transferred tokens to the set of system contracts.

Tokens accidentally transferred to either the Staking Pool Mediator contract and/or the Staking Pool Contract instances can be swept by the administrator to a predefined TOKEN_SWEEP_BENEFICIARY address.

Update the token sweep beneficiary address for a Staking Pool

Description: updates TOKEN_SWEEP_BENEFICIARY for a Staking Pool

Permissions: DAO Admin, DAO Meeple


daoId: dao identifier

stakingPool: address of the staking pool

newBeneficiary: new destination address (ensure this address can transfer ERC20 tokens)

Etherscan Link:

Sweep tokens accidentally sent to a Staking Pool

Description: transfers a specified amount to the specified erc20 token to the predefined token sweep beneficiary

Permissions: atLeastDaoMeepleRole


daoId: dao identifier

stakingPool: address of the staking pool

tokens: address of the erc20 to sweep

amount: number of tokens to sweep

Etherscan Link:

Last updated