Create Staking Pool

Creates a staking pool.

Permissions: DAO Admin / DAO Meeple


DAO needs to be created

Collateral Token needs to be whitelisted


Param name




the staking pool configuration data struct

[daoId: uint256, minTotalPoolStake: uint128, maxTotalPoolStake: uint128, minimumContribution: uint128, epochDuration: uint32, epochStartTimestamp: uint32, treasury: address, stakeToken: address, Struct: [tokens: address, maxAmount: uint256, ratio: uint256], rewardType: uint8]


daoId: the numeric id for the dao

minTotalPoolStake; the minimum amount of staked tokens the pool requires to proceed

maxTotalPoolStake; the maximum amount of staked tokens the pool can accept as deposits

minimumContribution; the minimum amount a user can deposit into the pool

epochDuration; the time duration in seconds the staking lock up period will last

epochStartTimestamp; the timestamp the lockup period will start at

treasury; the dao treasury address the staking pool will withdraw to incase of an emergency

IERC20 stakeToken; the erc20 token to be used as the stake token

Reward[] rewardTokens; an array of Reward structs


Reward {

tokens; the address of the erc20 reward token

uint256 maxAmount; // the maximum amount of this token that will be funded

uint256 ratio; // only initialized for fixed


RewardType rewardType; the staking pool reward calculation type (NONE, FIXED or FLOATING) i.e. 0 = NONE, 1=FIXED, 2=FLOATING

[1, "150000000000000000000", "1000000000000000000000", "1000000000000000000", 20000, 1662592255, "0xDe9007A43772a745C434F9Eb6C519132Db2b14A5", "0xa63c6e2af9c87768f741e1bb7f77511d23152c7b", [["0xa63c6e2af9c87768f741e1bb7f77511d23152c7b", "105000000000000000000", "15000000000000000000"]], 1]


True if you want the created pool to be launch in paused mode, false otherwise



the unix timestamp the reward tokens will become available, need to be more than epochStartTimestamp + epochDuration


The creation of a pool will result in a new contract address! This is the contract the end users will interact with (deposit, withdraw etc.) This will be the first parameter of the StakingPoolCreated event. Note this down for Initialize the Staking Pool Rewards step.

Etherscan Link:

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